Blog: 2014

These are the 29 blog posts for 2014. Older is 2013. Newer is 2015. There is also a complete archive.

December 2014

Sat 20:

REST API gotcha, and webhookdb

Sat 13:

Seeing what the computer sees   #python

Sun 7:

What is the Lotus Notes of today?   #lotus

November 2014

Sat 22:

Open edX, out of our control   #open-source #edx

Wed 5:

Help Max finish his film!   #friends-&-family #help

October 2014

Sun 19:

The Character of Physical Law   #science

September 2014

Tue 30:

How to pay for a free Unicode sandwich   #friends-&-family

Sun 28: v4.0a1   #coverage

Sat 27:

How should I distribute alphas?   #coverage

Tue 2:

Transcripts of talks?   #presentations

August 2014

Sun 17:

Ben’s comic: Avis   #comics #friends-&-family

July 2014

Thu 31:

Fetching GitHub pull requests   #git #github

Wed 30:

Creative looping   #python

Sun 20:

Tracking pull request ages with d3   #git

June 2014

Mon 16:

Now I’m playing with a full deck   #me

Sun 8:

Template coverage measurement   #coverage

May 2014

Fri 23:

Pythons are deaf, so are some Pythonistas   #gatherings #presentations

Sat 3:

GitHub monoculture   #git #github #online

April 2014

Sun 13:

PyCon 2014   #pycon

March 2014

Sat 22:

Ben 16 at RISD   #cakes #friends-&-family

Fri 14:

Pi day   #python

Thu 6:

The right way to accept Bitcoin?

February 2014

Mon 17:

What it’s like to be a developer   #dev-mindset

January 2014

Sun 26:

SVG figures with Cupid   #graphics #my-code

Sat 18:

Speeding up coverage data storage   #coverage

Tue 14:

Git choose your own adventure   #git #how-to

Sat 11:

Comments should be sentences   #coding

Sun 5:

Python nugget: renumbering ids   #python

Wed 1:

New   #friends-&-family #me