5.0a6: context reporting

Wednesday 17 July 2019This is close to six years old. Be careful.

I’ve released another alpha of 5.0: 5.0a6. There are some design decisions ahead that I could use feedback on.

Important backstory:

  • The big feature in 5.0 is “contexts”: recording data for varying execution context, also known as Who Tests What. The idea is to record not just that a line was executed, but also which tests ran each line.
  • Some of the changes in alpha 6 were driven by a hackathon project at work: using who-tests-what on the large Open edX codebase. We wanted to collect context information, and then for each new pull request, run only the subset of tests that touched the lines you changed. Initial experiments indicate this could be a huge time-savings.

Big changes in this alpha:

  • Support for contexts when reporting. The --show-contexts option annotates lines with the names of contexts recorded for the line. The --contexts option lets you filter the report to only certain contexts. Big thanks to Stephan Richter and Albertas Agejevas for the contribution.
  • Our largest test suite at work has 29k tests. The .coverage SQLite data file was 659Mb, which was too large to work with. I changed the database format to use a compact bitmap representation for line numbers, which reduced the data file to 69Mb, a huge win.
  • The API to the CoverageData object has changed.

Some implications of these changes:

  • The HTML reporting on contexts is good for small test suites, but very quickly becomes unwieldy if you have more than 100 tests. Please try using it and let me know what kind of reporting would be helpful.
  • The new more-compact data file is harder to query. The larger data file has a schema designed to be useful for ad-hoc querying. It was a classic third-normal form representation of the data. Now I consider the database schema to be a private implementation detail. Should we have a new “coverage sql” report command that exports the data to a convenient SQLite file?
  • Because CoverageData has changed, you will need an updated version of pytest-cov if you use that plugin. The future of the plugin is somewhat up in the air. If you would like to help maintain it, get in touch. You can install the up-to-date code with:
    pip install git+
  • To support our hackathon project, we wrote a new pytest plugin: it uses pytest hooks to indicate the test boundaries, and can read the database and the code diff to choose the subset of tests to run. This plugin is in very rough shape (as in, it hasn’t yet fully worked), but if you are interested in participating in this experiment, get in touch. The code is here nedbat/coverage_pytest_plugin. I don’t think this will remain as an independent plugin, so again, if you want to help with future maintenance or direction, let me know.
  • All of our experimentation (and improvements) for contexts involve line coverage. Branch coverage only complicates the problems of storage and reporting. I’ve mused about how to store branch data more compactly in the past, but nothing has been done.

I know this is a lot, and the 5.0 alpha series has been going on for a while. The features are shaping up to be powerful and useful. All of your feedback has been very helpful, keep it coming.


A while ago, I wrote some libraries that adapted Coverage to basically apply policies to decide whether a given bit of coverage would "count". They were huge, brittle, and slow.

I'm working on a prototype right now of a post-processing step for 5.0 that would accomplish the same thing, and I haven't had any problems from the database representation in 5.0a6. (Also, doing this as post-processing is much easier and less error-prone. I haven't tried too hard to optimize it yet.)

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