Saturday 30 October 2010 — This is 14 years old. Be careful.
Recent tweets of potential interest:
¶ Bye MS: “[Fitting a square peg into a round hole] can be done but only at major cost to both the peg and the hole.” - (Oct 22)
¶ Anyone know the answer to my oddball French comics question: what’s up with the tire and two sticks? Answer: (Oct 03)
¶ So true: RT @pheinberg: “There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.” (Sep 30)
¶ Gotta love CSS humor: RT @sgalineau: Hot. Even works in IE6! RT @zeldman The 997 Grid System #css #grid (Sep 24)
¶ RT @duganesque: RT @bob_hancock: A Java programer meets Django. (Sep 06)
¶ RT @r1chardj0n3s: Penn and Teller take on vaccines - <= Excellent stuff. Should be required viewing. (Sep 01)
¶ RT @dweinberger: Incredible 3D lightshow. A building becomes a toon. (Aug 29)
¶ No arms, no legs, no worries: (Aug 28)
¶ No Rubik’s cube needs more than 20 moves to solve, God’s number = 20: (Aug 10)
¶ Detailed analysis of the real-world cave locations in the original Colossal Cave text adventure: (Jul 31)
¶ Whoa: play until it explodes: (Jul 28)
¶ Oh the humanity... RT @sgalineau: likes ! RT @happycog Swashes and flourishes? Say hello to 2010 OpenType Comic Sans. (Jul 22)
The "No Arms, No Legs, No Problem" link has reminded me, for at least a few minutes, that I really don't have any reasons to be anything but satisfied with my life. I already knew that, but sometimes a reminder can make it easier to remember, and to live that way.
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