Ned Batchelder

Horseless intelligence

17 March

Some thoughts and opinions about AI. In a stretch, I compare AI to automobiles. » more..

Faster branch coverage measurement

9 March

After nearly two years, I think this is finally ready: can use sys.monitoring to more efficiently measure branch coverage. » more..

Intricate interleaved iteration

30 January

Someone asked recently, “is there any reason to use a generator if I need to store all the values anyway?” As it happens, I did just that in the code for this blog’s sidebar because I found it the most readable way to do it. Maybe it was a good idea, maybe not. » more..

Nat running

14 January 2025

I took this picture nine years ago, but it’s still one of my favorites » more..

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software I made

  • Dinghy ·· for digesting GitHub activity
  • Scriv ·· for managing changelogs
  • ·· for measuring Python code coverage

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words I wrote

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