Created 30 March 2002, last updated 13 September 2021
This web site is created with content in XML files, converted with XSLT, and served by Django. It’s all on GitHub if you dare.
I wanted a purely text-based authoring process because it’s easy to manipulate text, and I’m a geek so I don’t mind creating content as XML files in a text editor. If you want to know more, Xuff, px, bx, etc has some details on the XML formats.
The toolchain is weird, I don’t deny that!
The stellated dodecahedron (in the upper left corner) was rendered by POV-Ray, with data generated by a Python script based on pypolys. There’s also a larger version of it.
The comments on my blog are driven by a homemade Django app called Reactor. It features a great anti-spam technique: Stopping spambots with hashes and honeypots.
Everything validates: