Tuesday 7 April 2009 — This is nearly 16 years old. Be careful.
I tried running a set of unit tests from work in the latest version of coverage.py, and was surprised to see that the tests failed. Digging into it, I found that the value of __file__ was wrong for my main program. It used that value to find the expected output files to compare results against, and since the value was wrong, it didn’t find any expected output files, so the tests failed.
Consider this main program, myprog.py:
print "__file__ is", __file__
print "__name__ is", __name__
When run from the command line as “python myprog.py”, it says:
__file__ is myprog.py
__name__ is __main__
The way coverage.py ran the main program could be boiled down to this:
# runmain1.py: run its argument as a Python main program.
import sys
import __main__
mainfile = sys.argv[1]
execfile(mainfile, __main__.__dict__)
Running “python runmain1.py myprog.py” produces:
__file__ is runmain1.py
__name__ is __main__
Because we imported __main__, and used its globals as myprog’s globals, it thinks it is runmain1.py instead of myprog1.py. That’s why my unit tests failed: they tried to find data files alongside coverage.py, rather than alongside the unit test files.
This is a better way to do it:
# runmain2.py: run its argument as a Python main program.
import imp, sys
mainfile = sys.argv[1]
src = open(mainfile)
imp.load_module('__main__', src, mainfile, (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE))
This imports the target file as a real __main__ module, giving it the proper __file__ value.
The old execfile __main__ technique is used in lots of tools that offer to run your python main files for you, and I’m not sure why more people don’t have problems with it. Probably because __file__ manipulation is uncommon. I’ve updated coverage.py to use the new technique. I hope there isn’t a gotcha I’m overlooking that means it’s a bad way to do this.
Updated: I found the gotcha: it creates a compiled file.
@Marius: this is exactly the reason I write posts like this! I had no idea runpy existed. In my case, I'm trying to support 2.3 and up, so I can't use it as is, but it will certainly help me in understanding possible twistiness in my approach.
what words or phrases need to be in the doc entry for runpy so that a search by most people with the same problem would find runpy?
- Paddy.
site:docs.python.org run module main doesn't find it in the first page either.
Also, when I look at standard modules that have the problem I was trying to solve, such as profile and trace, none of them use runpy to solve it.
Welcome to the club: http://paddy3118.blogspot.com/2007/10/whats-in-name.html ;-)
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