Happy 2009


Happy 2009 for you too.

And thanks for providing a great blog to read in this last year.
Having each of you hold a favorite thing is a clever idea. Let's see: stellated dodecahedron, Wii Remote and Nunchuck, MacBook Pro, basketball and finger cymbals.
Happy new year to you and your family !
@Bob, thanks, the "favorite thing" idea popped into my head just before we took the picture, and we each scrambled around picking something out. The model in my hand isn't actually a stellated dodecahedron, but a compound of three cubes, made famous as the left-hand thingy in Escher's Waterfall.

We sent the physical cards before I thought to say, "the happiness of your pursuits", so the message here is cleverer than in the real world!
@Ned, ah, right. It didn't look pointy enough to be a stellated dodecahedron but did look familiar. I'm not even going to try to figure out all of the logos on top of Max's MBP although it does look like there's a Tabblo sticker on it.
sooooo cute. happy new year, batchelder-senator posse!
Huzzah and happy new year to you and your kin!

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