Saturday 16 July 2005 — This is over 19 years old. Be careful.
A few weeks ago I wrote about Lattice drawings. I mentioned that I had used a Python program to produce the figures there, and of course, was asked in the comments to publish the program. I didn’t, because the program was an unpresentable piece of crap. I had to edit text files, and then the program would draw the result. Yuk.
So last week while I was on vacation, I wrote a new program, called Platitude. This is a GUI application that lets you manipulate the lattice with the mouse. It still is very bare bones, but I wanted to get it out the door. I consider it a presentable piece of crap.

Try it and see what you think. It’s available as a Windows executable, and Python source. If someone could help me understand why I get bitmap errors on the Mac, that would be fabulous!
In my experience, I've seen way too many examples of "large and hairy" code, and not nearly enough of well-crafted, elegant implementations.
Get it the way you want it, and then show it to us...
My .02, which as you know, I am never hesitant to give.
Also, If you don't, some hotshot kid will come along and then re-write the whole thing ;-)
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