Pottery blog


The pottery in question is splendid looking. I don't know if she was cleaned out already, or what, but there is rather a vacuum where one expected product.
Thank you! I don't think of it as Googlebombing, though... more like Helping The Web Help Itself, By Directed Annotation Through Linking. HTWHIBDATL... no doubt that'll turn into the biggest new acronym since HTH and AFAIK.
Who gives a shit about your goddamn pottery. Could you really not think of anything better to do than read all the other pathetic comments and then contribute to the stupidity? I mean what kind of deusch bag does that? You need to break your damn pottery and go hang yourself. Take the fucking velcro snail and shove it up your ass!
Peter, I don't know what to say. You seem to be very angry about something, I doubt that it's really the pottery or the velcro snail. Take a deep breath, look within yourself, and try to relax...
Ned, he's just saying what we're all thinking: shove that snail up your ass!

Sadly, that's funniest thing I can come up with. Any idea who Peter is?
Per this directory:


... Peter is supposedly an assistant professor at Illinois State University. But I find that hard to believe ;o)
I am not really sure where he is from.

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