Wednesday 13 October 2004 — This is over 20 years old. Be careful.
In my plea over the weekend for help with HTML, I said I would write a glowing review for whoever helped me, and I am a man of my word.
“Maniac” of Software Maniacs provided swift, accurate, and persistent help. His (or her) site is in Russian, which I cannot read, but provides a few Windows utilities. Based on my experience with Maniac, I am sure they are high quality.
At the top of the page is this motto:
Есть Два Цвета: Черный И Белый, А Есть Оттенки, Которых Больше.
which Babelfish translates as:
There are Two Colors: Black I is white, But There are The nuances, Which It is more.
I’ll take it as, “Between black and white there are many shades”. I’ll refrain from drawing a political analogy.
Some Say Life Isn't Black & White
Mine Is.
Ned will remember how and where that one came about.
By some twist of fate, I don't have one of those t-shirts, I don't know why not.
Speaking of black and white and shades of gray, television screens and computer monitors suck at displaying black and white film. Just watch a film like Citizen Kane on a movie screen and then on DVD. No comparison. The dark scenes are muddy, too dark on screen. A lot of the detail is lost. Too bad.
I'd like to clear some things up:
> His (or her) site
His... I mean, mine :-). The site is actually quite old and somewhat abandoned. One of utlities (SMReg) doesn't even work with modern Windows'es. One other is a text replacing tool which is available in English at http://SoftManiacs.Com/. But the English version is shareware, not freeware. One may even use Russian language binary and refer to English documentation :-)
The more correct translation of the motto is something like 'There are two colors: black and white. Others are just shades'. And this is actually a quote from the Russian rock group 'Kino' (
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