Today’s my birthday


hey! Happy birthday, Ned. Cheers!
Mine is tomorrow. I'll turn 30.
Happy birthday, young one. :-)
Guess what? Today's my B-Day as well. I'm a bit younger, though, but not that much (35).

Hapy B-Day, Ned.
Happy birthday from Italy.
Happy Birthday Ned!
And what a birthday indeed. Play some scrabble, who knows what will turn up? :-)
Happy Birthday! Yesterday was my b-day. Have fun!
Feliz Cumpleaños Ned,

Eres una lectura obligada para mi cada dia.


Congratulations! Trying my best not to make the obvious Hitchhiker's Guide comment though! :-)
Many happy returns Ned (and you Benoit!)
Thanks everybody! I'm touched.

Keith: I was thinking of making an H2G2 comment myself, but the vague amorphous mass didn't congeal into something worthy. It is a cool thing about being 42, though.
Happy Birthday Ned!
Happy B-day... to a fellow Gemini.

Just turned the big 4-ohhh myself last week.

All the best...
After being 39 for a couple of years, I decided that I could be 42 last year. When my next birthday came, I briefly considered moving on to 43, but I decided that I liked 39 better, so I guess I'm younger than you again ;-)

In all of internet tradition:

Oddly enough, today is my birthday as well (but I'm three years ahead of you)

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