Thursday 29 April 2004 — This is nearly 21 years old. Be careful.
When FedEx bought Kinko’s a few months ago, I wondered what they would do to bring the two corporate identities together into a unified image. Well, FedEx rebranded Kinko’s, introducing a strong iconic logo:

*CYAN*? What is this, 1981?
If you want to see what I'm talking about, come to my blog (linked above)...
PS: Paul Rand did the UPS Shield Log
own some of his books?
Looking through the process again, the GhostScript rendering seems to be the culprit, with the wrong colors. Sorry for the alarm!
Ebay started it. Kraft is now using 'em. Sears is now using em. So here comes Kinko too!
I suppose it beats the Green Years, then their opposite Orange Years, all while the move to blobby-thingies.
Well, FWIW, Apple, the current arbitrator of cool dropped translucent a few years ago so apparently steel, matte white, and glossy white will be the next 'big things'. Mmm – white-on-white logos, better start investing in embossing machinery now.
Personally I’m kinda surprised they weren’t renamed to "Kinxo" or some other gratuitous use of Z or X.
I have to say, what do you expect? FedEx's logo was designed a long time ago and although a classic, I don't really think FedEx has been hanging ten on the tsunami that is graphic design and corporate design these days. I don't think it's that bad. The new paper and PDF stuff for the office and website is ton's better than the old stuff. The new designs use Univers Condensed and just give so much relief to the eyes compared to what's gone on since 2000 when the company was sold.
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