Getting Started Testing: pytest edition

This presentation explains the concepts behind automated testing, and explains how to do it from first principles. If you have never written tests before, this will tell you what you need to know.

This is an update of a presentation I gave at PyCon 2014. The original version used unittest, this version uses pytest.

You can read the slides and text on this page, or open the actual presentation in your browser (use right and left arrows to advance the slides).

There is also a zipfile of all the code examples.

Getting Started Testing

Writing correct code is complicated, it’s hard. How do you know when you’ve gotten it right, and how do you know your code has stayed right even after you’ve changed it?

The best we know to do this is with automated testing. Testing is a large topic, with its own tools and techniques. It can be overwhelming.

In this talk, I will show you how to write automated tests to test your Python code. I’ll start from scratch. By the time we’re done here, you should have a mystery-free view of the basics and even a few advanced techniques, of automated testing.

I’ll include some pointers off to more advanced or exotic techniques, but you will have a good set of tools if you follow the methods shown here.

Why test?

My main point here isn’t to convince you to test, I hope you are reading this because you already know you want to do it. But I have to say at least a little bit about why you should test.

Automated testing is the best way we know to determine if your code works. There are other techniques, like manual testing, or shipping it to customers and waiting for complaints, but automated testing works much better than those ways.

Although writing tests is serious effort that takes real time, in the long run it will let you produce software faster because it makes your development process more predictable, and you’ll spend less time fighting expensive fires.

Testing also gives you another view into your code, and will probably help you write just plain better code. The tests force you to think about the structure of your code, and you will find better ways to modularize it.

Lastly, testing removes fear, because your tests are a safety net that can tell you early when you have made a mistake and set you back on the right path.


If you are like most developers, you know that you should be writing tests, but you aren’t, and you feel bad about it. Tests are the dental floss of development: everyone knows they should do it more, but they don’t, and they feel guilty about it.

BTW: illustrations by my son Ben!

Yeah, it's hard

It’s true, testing is not easy. It’s real engineering that takes real thought and hard work. But it pays off in the end.


The fact is that developing software is a constant battle against chaos, in all sorts of little ways. You carefully organize your ideas in lines of code, but things change. You add extra lines later, and they don’t quite work as you want. New components are added to the system and your previous assumptions are invalidated. The services you depended on shift subtly.

You know the feeling: on a bad day, it seems like everything is out to get you, the world is populated by gremlins and monsters, and they are all trying to get at your code.

You have to fight that chaos, and one of your weapons is automated tests.

OK, enough of the sermon, let’s talk about how to write tests.


The rest of the talk is divided into these parts:

First principles

First principles

We’ll start with a real (if tiny) piece of code, and start testing it. First we’ll do it manually, and then grow in sophistication from there, adding to our tests to solve problems we see along the way.

Keep in mind, the first few iterations of these tests are not the good way to write tests. I’ll let you know when we’ve gotten to the right way!

Stock portfolio class

Here is our code under test, a simple stock portfolio class. It just stores the lots of stocks purchased: each lot is a stock name, a number of shares, and the price it was bought at. We have a method to buy a stock, and a method that tells us the total cost of the portfolio:


class Portfolio:
    """A simple stock portfolio"""
    def __init__(self):
        # A list of lists: [[name, shares, price], ...]
        self.stocks = []

    def buy(self, name, shares, price):
        """Buy shares at a certain price."""
        self.stocks.append([name, shares, price])

    def cost(self):
        """What was the total cost of this portfolio?"""
        amt = 0.0
        for name, shares, price in self.stocks:
            amt += shares * price
        return amt
First test: interactive

For our first test, we just run it manually in a Python prompt. This is where most programmers start with testing: play around with the code and see if it works.

Running it like this, we can see that it’s right. An empty portfolio has a cost of zero. We buy one stock, and the cost is the price times the shares. Then we buy another, and the cost has gone up as it should.

This is good, we’re testing the code. Some developers wouldn’t have even taken this step! But it’s bad because it’s not repeatable. If tomorrow we make a change to this code, it’s hard to make sure that we’ll run the same tests and cover the same conditions that we did today.

It’s also labor intensive: we have to type these function calls each time we want to test the class. And how do we know the results are right? We have to carefully examine the output, and get out a calculator, and see that the answer is what we expect.

So we have one good quality, and three bad ones. Let’s improve the situation.

Second test: standalone

Instead of typing code into a Python prompt, let’s make a separate file to hold test code. We’ll do the same series of steps as before, but they’ll be recorded in our test file, and we’ll print the results we get:

from portfolio1 import Portfolio

p = Portfolio()
print(f"Empty portfolio cost: {p.cost()}")"IBM", 100, 176.48)
print(f"With 100 IBM @ 176.48: {p.cost()}")"HPQ", 100, 36.15)
print(f"With 100 HPQ @ 36.15: {p.cost()}")

When we run it, we get:

$ python

Empty portfolio cost: 0.0
With 100 IBM @ 176.48: 17648.0
With 100 HPQ @ 36.15: 21263.0

This is better because it’s repeatable: we can run this test file any time we want and have the same tests run every time. And it’s low effort: running a file is easy and quick.

But we still don’t know for sure that the answers are right unless we peer at the printed numbers and work out each time what they are supposed to be.

Third test: expected results

Here we’ve added to our test file so that in addition to printing the result it got, it prints the result it should have gotten:

from portfolio1 import Portfolio

p = Portfolio()
print(f"Empty portfolio cost: {p.cost()}, should be 0.0")"IBM", 100, 176.48)
print(f"With 100 IBM @ 176.48: {p.cost()}, should be 17648.0")"HPQ", 100, 36.15)
print(f"With 100 HPQ @ 36.15: {p.cost()}, should be 21263.0")

This is better: we don’t have to calculate the expected results, they are recorded right there in the output:

$ python

Empty portfolio cost: 0.0, should be 0.0
With 100 IBM @ 176.48: 17648.0, should be 17648.0
With 100 HPQ @ 36.15: 21263.0, should be 21263.0

But we still have to examine all the output and compare the actual result to the expected result. Keep in mind, the code here is very small, so it doesn’t seem like a burden. But in a real system, you might have thousands of tests. You don’t want to examine each one to see if the result is correct.

This is still tedious work we have to do. We should get the computer to do it for us.

Fourth test: check results automatically

Here we’ve used the Python assert statement. You may not have run across this before. It takes a condition, and evaluates whether it’s true or not. If it’s true, then execution continues onto the next statement. If the condition is false, it raises an AssertionError exception.

p = Portfolio()
print(f"Empty portfolio cost: {p.cost()}, should be 0.0")
assert p.cost() == 0.0"IBM", 100, 176.48)
print(f"With 100 IBM @ 176.48: {p.cost()}, should be 17648.0")
assert p.cost() == 17648.0"HPQ", 100, 36.15)
print(f"With 100 HPQ @ 36.15: {p.cost()}, should be 21263.0")
assert p.cost() == 21263.0

So now we have the results checked automatically. If one of the results is incorrect, the assert statement will raise an exception.

Assertions like these are at the heart of automated testing. You’ll see a lot of them in real tests.

Fourth test: what failure looks like

There are a couple of problems with assertions like these. First, all the successful tests clutter up the output. You may think it’s good to see all your successes, but it’s not good if they obscure failures. Second, when an assertion fails, it raises an exception, which ends our program:

$ python

Empty portfolio cost: 0.0, should be 0.0
With 100 IBM @ 176.48: 17648.0, should be 17600.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    assert p.cost() == 17600.0

We can only see a single failure, then the rest of the program is skipped, and we don’t know the results of the rest of the tests. This limits the amount of information our tests can give us.

Getting complicated!

As you can see, we’re starting to build up a real program here. To make the output hide successes, and continue on in the face of failures, you’ll have to create a way to divide this test file into chunks, and run the chunks so that if one fails, others will still run. It starts to get complicated.

Anyone writing tests will face these problems, and common problems can often be solved with common frameworks. In the next section, we’ll use a test framework called pytest to solve these problems.

Test frameworks

Test frameworks
All test frameworks

Test frameworks all look weird when you first learn about them. Running tests is different than running a program, so they have different conventions for how to write tests, and how they get run.

There are also different tools for reusing code and reducing duplication.

We’ll consider a few alternatives to pytest before diving in.


The Python standard library provides the unittest module. It gives an infrastructure for writing class-oriented tests.

The design of unittest is modelled on the common xUnit pattern that is available in many different languages, notably jUnit for Java. This gives unittest a more verbose feeling than many Python libraries. Some people don’t like this and prefer other styles of tests. But these class-based tests are classic, and are well-supported by other test tools.

You will find lots of examples and help based on unittest. If you write your tests in unittest style, pytest will run them for you. But we won’t be using unittest in this presentation.


Nose was a popular test framework and runner. But it hasn’t been maintained for years. You should not use it.


pytest is the most popular and powerful test framework these days. You write tests as functions rather than classes, and asserts are written as assert statements rather than unittest’s assert methods. Many people find this a more natural “Pythonic” style of writing tests.

pytest will also run unittest-style tests. If you already have a unittest test suite, you can switch to pytest as a test runner, and start taking advantage of pytest features without re-writing any tests.

Project structure

The usual layout for a project is to have one directory with your product code, and a separate parallel directory with tests. The tests are all in files named test_*.py.

BTW, this is not the structure of the code accompanying this presentation, but it will be how most real projects are organized.

Running tests

A great thing about test runners is they can find your tests automatically, so you don’t have to write code to somehow collect them all into one test suite. (nose is called nose because it was the first test runner to “sniff out” your tests.)

A simple test

Finally we write our first test. The test is a function named test_buy_one_stock. In the function, we create a Portfolio, buy a stock, and then make an assertion about the cost of the portfolio:


from portfolio1 import Portfolio

def test_buy_one_stock():
    p = Portfolio()"IBM", 100, 176.48)
    assert p.cost() == 17648.0

We run the test with pytest, which finds our test function and runs it. It prints a single dot when the test passes:

$ pytest -q

.                                                            [100%]
1 passed in 0.01s

The name we chose for our function doesn’t matter: every function that starts with “test_” will be run as a test. You just have to make sure to not reuse a function name, since Python won’t let you have two functions with the same name.

Under the hood

Once you’ve defined the test function, the test runner is now responsible for running it for you. It calls every one of your test functions in its own try/except block. This lets one function succeed or fail without affecting other functions.

If your test function runs without an exception, then the test is recorded as a success. If an exception happens, it’s recorded as a failure. The test runner keeps track of all that bookkeeping so that it can present the results to you at the end of the test run.

Add more tests

One test isn’t enough: let’s add some more. Here we add a simpler test, test_empty, and a more complicated test, test_buy_two_stocks. Each test is another test function:


from portfolio1 import Portfolio

def test_empty():
    p = Portfolio()
    assert p.cost() == 0.0

def test_buy_one_stock():
    p = Portfolio()"IBM", 100, 176.48)
    assert p.cost() == 17648.0

def test_buy_two_stocks():
    p = Portfolio()"IBM", 100, 176.48)"HPQ", 100, 36.15)
    assert p.cost() == 21263.0

Each one creates the Portfolio object it needs, performs the manipulations it wants, and makes assertions about the outcome.

When you run the tests, pytest prints a dot for every test that passes, which is why you see “...” in the test output here:

$ pytest -q

...                                                          [100%]
3 passed in 0.01s
Under the hood

With three tests, the execution model is much as before. Every test is run in its own try/except block so that one test won’t affect the others. This helps to guarantee an important property of good tests: isolation.

Test isolation

Test isolation means that each of your tests is unaffected by every other test. This is good because it makes your tests more repeatable, and they are clearer about what they are testing. It also means that if a test fails, you don’t have to think about all the conditions and data created by earlier tests: running just that one test will reproduce the failure.

Earlier we had a problem where one test failing prevented the other tests from running. Here pytest is running each test independently, so if one fails, the rest will run, and will run just as if the earlier test had succeeded.

Pytest has a great -k option which will run only the tests whose name contain the given string. This lets you run just part of your test suite, either because you want to run just one test for debugging, or for a faster run of only the tests you are interested in.

Pytest can run a subset of tests because you’ve written your tests (with pytest’s help) to be independent of each other. If one test relied on a previous test’s results, you couldn’t run them separately.

What failure looks like

So far, all of our tests have passed. What happens when they fail?

$ pytest -q

.F.                                                          [100%]
============================= FAILURES =============================
________________________ test_buy_one_stock ________________________

    def test_buy_one_stock():
        p = Portfolio()"IBM", 100, 176)      # this is wrong, to make the test fail!
>       assert p.cost() == 17648.0
E       assert 17600.0 == 17648.0
E        +  where 17600.0 = <bound method Portfolio.cost of <portfolio1.Portfolio object at 0x1b01dface>>()
E        +    where <bound method Portfolio.cost of <portfolio1.Portfolio object at 0x1b01dface>> = <portfolio1.Portfolio object at 0x1b01dface>.cost AssertionError
1 failed, 2 passed in 0.01s

The test runner prints a dot for every test that passes, and it prints an “F” for each test failure, so here we see “.F.” in the output. Then for each test failure, it prints the name of the test, and the traceback of the assertion failure.

This style of test output means that test successes are very quiet, just a single dot. When a test fails, it stands out, and you can focus on them. Remember: when your tests pass, you don’t have to do anything, you can go on with other work, so passing tests, while a good thing, should not cause a lot of noise. It’s the failing tests we need to think about.

One of the ways that pytest differs from unittest is that pytest interprets the traceback and shows the actual values that occurred. In this case, the actual p.cost() was 17600.0.

Sometimes the traceback annotation is a little too much, as in this case where it’s showing us the actual Portfolio object. In other cases, that kind of detail could be very helpful in understanding the cause of the failure.

Testing for exceptions

Here we try to write an automated test of an error case: calling a method with too few arguments:

def test_bad_input():
    p = Portfolio()"IBM")

This test won’t do what we want. When we call buy() with too few arguments, of course it raises TypeError, but there’s nothing to catch the exception, so the test ends with an Error status:

$ pytest -q

...F                                                         [100%]
============================= FAILURES =============================
__________________________ test_bad_input __________________________

    def test_bad_input():
        p = Portfolio()
E       TypeError: buy() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'shares' and 'price' TypeError
1 failed, 3 passed in 0.01s

That’s not good, we want all our tests to pass.


To properly test the error-raising function call, we use a function called pytest.raises:

def test_bad_input():
    p = Portfolio()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):"IBM")

This neatly captures our intent: we are asserting that a statement will raise an exception. It’s used as a context manager with a “with” statement so that it can handle the exception when it is raised.

$ pytest -q

....                                                         [100%]
4 passed in 0.01s

Now our test passes because the TypeError is caught by the pytest.raises context manager. The assertion passes because the exception raised is the same type we claimed it would be, and all is well.

Negative assertions

One thing to be careful of: making assertions about something not happening. This is tempting, especially when writing regression tests. If something bad happened in the past, but now it’s fixed, you’d like to assert that the bad thing doesn’t happen any more.

But there are an infinite number of things that could be happening that are not the bad thing you are thinking of, and many of those things could also be bad! Be sure to pair up your negative assertions with positive assertions of the good things that you do want to happen.



One of pytest’s powerful features for organizing your test code is called fixtures. Fixtures are functions that can be run automatically to create test data, configure dependent services, or any other kind of pre-test set up that you need.

More code:  sell()

Our testing is going well, time to extend our product. Let’s add a .sell() method to our Portfolio class. It will remove shares of a particular stock from our portfolio:

def sell(self, name, shares):
    """Sell some shares."""
    for holding in self.stocks:
        if holding[0] == name:
            if holding[1] < shares:
                raise ValueError("Not enough shares")
            holding[1] -= shares
        raise ValueError("You don't own that stock")

Note: this code is unrealistically simple, so that it will fit on a slide!


To test the .sell() method, we add three more tests. In each case, we need to create a Portfolio with some stocks in it so that we have something to sell:

def test_sell():
    p = Portfolio()"MSFT", 100, 27.0)"DELL", 100, 17.0)"ORCL", 100, 34.0)
    p.sell("MSFT", 50)
    assert p.cost() == 6450

def test_not_enough():
    p = Portfolio()                 # Didn't I just do this?"MSFT", 100, 27.0)        #  |"DELL", 100, 17.0)        #  |"ORCL", 100, 34.0)        #  /
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        p.sell("MSFT", 200)

def test_dont_own_it():
    p = Portfolio()                 # What, again!?!?"MSFT", 100, 27.0)        #  |"DELL", 100, 17.0)        #  |"ORCL", 100, 34.0)        #  /
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        p.sell("IBM", 1)

But now our tests are getting really repetitive. We’ve used the same four lines of code to create the same portfolio object three times.

Refactor using functions

One way to remove the repetition is with a simple function. simple_portfolio() creates the portfolio we need. We call it from each of our tests and then use the portfolio in our tests. This works, but pytest gives us a more powerful way to solve the problem.


Creating test data is a common need, so pytest has a solution for us. A fixture is a function to create the required initial state. Pytest will find and execute them as needed.

The fixture is a function decorated with @pytest.fixture. A test declares that it needs a certain fixture by having an argument with the same name as the fixture. Yes, this is very odd, and runs counter to everything you’ve learned about how function arguments work.

The value returned by the fixture function is passed into the test function as the argument value. In our case, the simple_portfolio fixture creates and returns a Portfolio object. Our tests use that Portfolio:

def simple_portfolio():
    p = Portfolio()"MSFT", 100, 27.0)"DELL", 100, 17.0)"ORCL", 100, 34.0)
    return p

def test_sell(simple_portfolio):
    simple_portfolio.sell("MSFT", 50)
    assert simple_portfolio.cost() == 6450

def test_not_enough(simple_portfolio):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        simple_portfolio.sell("MSFT", 200)

def test_dont_own_it(simple_portfolio):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        simple_portfolio.sell("IBM", 1)
Under the hood

Here’s the detail on how pytest runs the fixture and test function. When pytest finds a test function, it examines its argument names to identify fixtures it needs. It runs the fixtures, collecting their returned values, then calls the test function, passing it the values.

All of this happens with appropriate try/except blocks so that exceptions can be properly reported. Exceptions in the fixtures are counted as Errors, whereas exceptions in the test function are Failures. This is a subtle but important distinction. A Failure means the test ran, and detected a problem in the product code. An Error means we couldn’t run the test properly.

This distinction is one reason to put set-up code in fixtures, but there are others as we’ll see.

Fixture cleanup

Fixtures can do more than just create data for a test. If your fixture uses the yield statement instead of return, then the code after the yield is run once the test is finished. This lets one fixture both create an initial environment, and clean it up.

This is much more convenient than trying to create and destroy objects in the test itself, because a fixture’s clean up will be run even if the test fails.

Fixture scope

Fixtures can also run at different “scopes.” For example, if you define your fixture with scope=”session”, then the fixture is run just once for your entire test suite. All test functions are passed the same value. This can be useful if your fixture is especially expensive.

Pytest manages all of the execution and bookkeeping of fixtures, and only runs them if needed. You might define a session-scoped fixture, but only have a few test functions that need it. If you run a subset of your tests, and none of them need that fixture, then it will never be run.


Fixtures are really powerful. Pytest has a number of other features that let you combine fixtures to build elaborate systems of set up and tear down for your tests.

Parameterized tests

Let’s say we want to write more tests of our sell() method. They might all take the same form, just with different data:

def test_sell1(simple_portfolio):
    simple_portfolio.sell("MSFT", 50)
    assert simple_portfolio.cost() == 6450

def test_sell2(simple_portfolio):
    simple_portfolio.sell("MSFT", 10)
    assert simple_portfolio.cost() == 7530

def test_sell3(simple_portfolio):
    simple_portfolio.sell("ORCL", 90)
    assert simple_portfolio.cost() == 4740

These tests are only two lines each, but they are repetitive lines. Pytest gives us a way to parameterize tests, so that the logic can be expressed once. The data is provided as a list of tuples:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("sym, num, cost", [
    ("MSFT", 50, 6450),
    ("MSFT", 10, 7530),
    ("ORCL", 90, 4740),
def test_selling(simple_portfolio, sym, num, cost):
    simple_portfolio.sell(sym, num)
    assert simple_portfolio.cost() == cost

The parametrize decorator takes a string of argument names, and a list of values for those arguments. Then pytest synthesizes one test for each set of values. The logic is written just once and the data is nice and compact. Each synthesized test can pass or fail independently, just as we want.

Notice here our test function takes four arguments: the first is our simple_portfolio fixture as before. The remaining three are provided by the parameterized data. Pytest makes it simple to combine its features together to write short tests and still have complex execution semantics.

This simple parameterization can be very helpful, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg of what pytest provides. Brian Okken’s presentation at PyCascades 2020, Multiply your Testing Effectiveness with Parametrized Testing, goes into much more depth, including parameterized fixtures.

· Intermission ·

· Intermission ·


What code are you testing?

OK, so you’ve written a bunch of tests. Your goal has been to run your product code to see if it works. But are your tests really running all your code? How can you find out?

Coverage measurement

Coverage measurement is a technique for checking how much of your product code is tested by your tests. Using a coverage tool, you track what parts of your code are executed by your test suite. You get a report of what code is covered and not covered. This shows you what parts of your product weren’t run at all by your tests.

Code that isn’t run by your tests can’t have been tested. This gives you a clear direction: devise tests that will run the parts that aren’t run yet.

The most popular Python coverage testing tool is boringly named “”. (Full disclosure: I am the maintainer of

After installing, you have a “coverage” command. “coverage run” works like “python”, but will monitor execution to see what parts of the code have been executed. Then “coverage report” will list your files, and what parts of them were not executed.


The “coverage html” command gives you an HTML report showing your code, with colored lines indicating executed vs not executed.

Coverage can only tell you a few things

Coverage measurement is not a magic wand. It’s good at telling you some things, but you have to understand what it is telling you. It can tell you what lines were executed, and what branches were taken.

People often think 100% coverage is the goal. More coverage is better, but 100% can be very difficult to get to. Usually, your efforts are better placed elsewhere.

And 100% coverage doesn’t mean your code is perfectly tested.

What coverage can't tell you

There are lots of things coverage measurement can’t tell you.

Test doubles

Test doubles

We’ve covered the basics of how to write tests. Now let’s talk about a more advanced topic: test doubles.

Testing small amounts of code

Any real-sized program is built in layers and components. In the full system, each component uses a number of other components. As we’ve discussed, the best tests focus on just one piece of code. How can you test a component in isolation from all of the components it depends on?

Dependencies are bad

Dependencies among components are bad for testing. When you test one component, you are actually testing it and all the components it depends on. This is more code than you want to be thinking about when writing or debugging a test.

Also, some components might be slow, which will make your tests slow, which makes it hard to write lots of tests that will be run frequently.

Lastly, some components are unpredictable, which makes it hard to write repeatable tests.

Test Doubles

The solutions to these problems are known as test doubles: code that can stand in for real code during testing, kind of like stunt doubles in movies.

The idea is to replace certain dependencies with doubles. During testing, you test the primary component, and avoid invoking the complex, time-consuming, or unpredictable dependencies, because they have been replaced.

The result is tests that focus in on the primary component without involving complicating dependencies.

Portfolio: Real-time data
Portfolio: Real-time data

As an example, we’ll add more code to our Portfolio class. This code will tell us the actual real-world current value of our collection of stocks. To do that, we’ve added a method called current_prices which uses a web service to get the current market prices of the stocks we hold:

def current_prices(self):
    """Return a dict mapping names to current prices."""
    url = ""
    url += ",".join(s[0] for s in sorted(self.stocks))
    url += self.SUFFIX
    data = requests.get(url).text
    lines = data.splitlines()[1:]
    return { row[0]: float(row[3]) for row in csv.reader(lines) }

def value(self):
    """Return the current value of the portfolio."""
    prices = self.current_prices()
    total = 0.0
    for name, shares, _ in self.stocks:
        total += shares * prices[name]
    return total

The new .value() method will get the current prices, and sum up the value of each holding to tell us the current value.

Here we can try out our code manually, and see that .current_prices() really does return us a dictionary of market prices, and .value() computes the value of the portfolio using those market prices.

But how to test it?

This simple example gives us all the problems of difficult dependencies in a nutshell. Our product code is great, but depends on an external web service run by a third party. It could be slow to contact, or it could be unavailable. But even when it is working, it is impossible to predict what values it will return. The whole point of this function is to give us real-world data as of the current moment, so how can you write a test that proves it is working properly? You don’t know in advance what values it will produce.

If we actually hit the web service as part of our testing, then we are testing whether that external service is working properly as well as our own code. We want to only test our own code. Our test should tell us, if the web service is working properly, will our code work properly?

Fake implementation of current_prices

Our first test double will be a fake implementation of current_prices(). We make a fixture that gets a simple portfolio, and stuffs a new implementation of current_prices into it. fake_current_prices simply returns a fixed value:

def fake_prices_portfolio(simple_portfolio):
    def fake_current_prices():
        return {'DELL': 140.0, 'ORCL': 32.0, 'MSFT': 51.0}
    simple_portfolio.current_prices = fake_current_prices
    return simple_portfolio

def test_value(fake_prices_portfolio):
    assert fake_prices_portfolio.value() == 22300

This is very simple, and neatly solves a number of our problems: the code no longer contacts a web service, so it is fast and reliable, and it always produces the same value, so we can predict what values our .value() method should return.

BTW, notice that fake_prices_portfolio is a fixture that uses the simple_portfolio fixture, by naming it as an argument, just as a test function can. Fixtures can be chained together to build sophisticated dependencies to support your test functions.

Bad: un-tested code!

But we may have gone too far: none of our actual current_prices() method is tested now. shows us that a number of lines are not executed. Those are the body of the current_prices() method.

That’s our code, and we need to test it somehow. We got isolation from the web service, but we removed some of our own code in the process.

Fake requests instead

To test our code but still not use the external service, we can intercept the flow lower down. Our current_prices() method uses the requests package to make the external HTTP request. We can replace requests to let our code run, but not make a real network request.

Here we define a class called FakeRequests with a method called get that will be the test double for requests.get(). Our fake implementation returns an object that provides the same text attribute that the real response object would have had:

class FakeRequests:
    # A simple fake for requests that is only good for one request.
    def get(self, url):
        return SimpleNamespace(

def fake_requests():
    old_requests = portfolio3.requests
    portfolio3.requests = FakeRequests()
    portfolio3.requests = old_requests

def test_value(simple_portfolio, fake_requests):
    assert simple_portfolio.value() == 22300

Here we’ve defined another fixture: fake_requests. It replaces our requests import with FakeRequests. When the test function runs, our FakeRequests object will be invoked instead of the requests module, it will return its canned response, and our code will process it just as if it had come from the web.

Notice that the product code uses a module with a function, and we are replacing it with an object with a method. That’s fine, Python’s dynamic nature means that it doesn’t matter what “requests” is defined as, so long as it has a .get attribute that is callable, the product code will be fine.

This sort of manipulation is one place where Python really shines, since types and access protection don’t constrain what we can do to create the test environment we want.

Another point about fixtures: here our test function asks for two fixtures. fake_requests is an argument to the test function, so it will be executed, but the test function doesn’t even use the value it produces. We count on it to install FakeRequests, and then the test function benefits from that modification. The fake_requests fixture uses yield so that it can create some state before the test (it installs FakeRequests), and then it can clean up that state when the test is done (it puts back the real requests).

All of our code is executed

Now the coverage report shows that all of our code has been executed. By stubbing the requests, we cut off the component dependencies at just the right point: where our code (current_prices) started calling someone else’s code (requests.get).

Mock objects

A more powerful way to create test doubles is with Mock objects. The mock library provides the Mock class. A Mock() object will happily act like any object you please. You can set a return_value on it, and when called, it will return that value. Then you can ask what arguments it was called with.

Mock objects can do other magic things, but these two behaviors give us what we need for now.

Mocking with no setup

Here’s a new test of our current_prices code:

def test_value(simple_portfolio, mocker):
    req_get = mocker.patch(
    assert simple_portfolio.value() == 22300

    assert len(req_get.call_args_list) == 1
    opened_url = req_get.call_args_list[0][0][0]
    assert "" in opened_url
    assert "symbol=DELL,MSFT,ORCL" in opened_url

In our test method, we use a fixture provided by pytest-mock: mocker has a .patch method that will replace the given name with a mock object, and give us the mock object so we can manipulate it.

We mock out requests.get, and then set the value it should return. We use the same SimpleNamespace object we used in the last example, which just mimics the object that requests would return to us.

Then we can run the product code, which will call current_prices, which will call requests.get, which is now our mock object. It will return our mocked return value, and produce the expected portfolio value.

Mock objects also have a bunch of handy methods for checking what happened to the mock. Here we use call_args_list to see how the mock was called. We can make assertions on those values to give us certainty that our code used the external component properly.

The mocker fixture cleans up all the patched objects automatically. This is why we use it as a fixture rather than as a simple import.

The net result is a clean self-contained test double, with assertions about how it was called.

Test doubles: good
Test doubles: bad

Test doubles are a big topic all of their own. I wanted to give you a quick taste of what they are and what they can do. Using them will dramatically improve the isolation, and therefore the speed and usefulness of your tests.

Notice though, that they also make our tests more fragile. I tested current_prices by mocking requests.get, which only works because I knew that current_prices used requests. If I later change the implementation of current_prices to access the URL differently, my test will break.

Finding the right way to use test doubles is a very tricky problem, involving trade-offs between what code is tested, and how dependent on the implementation you want to be.

One thing to keep in mind: if you are trying to mock out a popular third-party package like requests, there might already be a specialized third-party implementation of the exact test doubles you need.


Refactoring for tests

We just tried a few different ways to test our current_prices function. There’s something we haven’t tried yet: change the function to make it more inherently testable!

Your first reaction might be, isn’t that cheating? Ideally tests are written as a stand-apart check that the code has been written properly. Don’t we run the danger of weakening that check if we twist the product code to suit the tests?

The kind of change I’m talking about here is refactoring your product code so that your tests can get at the parts they want to. There’s nothing wrong with using your testing as a way to challenge the modularity of your code. Usually, improving the structure to benefit tests also ends up helping you in other ways.

If we look at our current_prices function, it’s got three parts: build a URL, then get the text from that URL, then make a dictionary from the text. Let’s look at some other ways to structure that code that could make testing easier.

Separate I/O

We can pull the I/O out of the middle of the function by moving it into its own function:

def text_from_url(url):
        return requests.get(url).text

    def current_prices(self):
        """Return a dict mapping names to current prices."""
        url = ""
        url += ",".join(s[0] for s in sorted(self.stocks))
        url += self.SUFFIX
        data = text_from_url(url)
        lines = data.splitlines()[1:]
        return { row[0]: float(row[3]) for row in csv.reader(lines) }

This isn’t a radical change, but now we could test this function by patching text_from_url.

Dependency injection

Here we’ve used the same text_from_url function, but instead of referencing it by name, it’s passed into current_prices as an argument. The product implementation of text_from_url is the default for the argument, so everything works normally if the argument isn’t provided.

But now we can test this function by explicitly calling it with a fake implementation of text_from_url. No mocking or patching is needed, we can be explicit about how we want current_prices to get some text from a URL.

Separate phases

The last refactoring is extremely modular about the three phases of current_prices. Each phase is now a separate function. The build_url method and dict_from_csv functions are easily testable in isolation: they are just computation based on some previous state.

Tests are real code!

You can see as we add more capability to our tests, they are becoming significant, even with the help of pytest. This is a key point to understand: writing tests is real engineering!

If you approach your tests as boring paperwork to get done because everyone says you have to, you will be unhappy and you will have bad tests.

You have to approach tests as valuable solutions to a real problem: how do you know if your code works? And as a valuable solution, you will put real effort into it, designing a strategy, building helpers, and so on.

In a well-tested project, it isn’t unusual to have more lines of tests than you have lines of product code! It is definitely worthwhile to engineer those tests well.

Summing up

Summing up
Testing is...

I hope this quick introduction has helped orient you in the world of testing. Testing is a complicated pursuit, because it is trying to solve a difficult problem: determining if your code works. If your code does anything interesting at all, then it is large and complex and involved, and determining how it behaves is a nearly impossible task.

Writing tests is the process of crafting a program to do this impossible thing, so of course it is difficult. But it needs to be done: how else can you know that your code is working, and stays working as you change it?

From a pure engineering standpoint, writing a good test suite can itself be rewarding, since it is a technical challenge to study and overcome.

Here are our two developers, happy and confident at last because they have a good set of tests. (I couldn’t get my son to draw me a third picture!)

Thank You

There’s an entire world of other resources and more information about testing topics. Here are some:


You can also name `tests/` as `tests/` so its consistent with how module/files are named, easy to find.

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