I am at liberty

Tuesday 30 January 2024

As of a few weeks ago, I am between gigs. Riffing on some corporate-speak from a recent press release: “2U and I have mutually determined that 2U is laying me off.”

I feel OK about it: work was becoming increasingly frustrating, and I have some severance pay. 2U is in a tough spot as a company so at least these layoffs seemed like an actual tactic rather than another pointless please-the-investors move by companies flush with profits and cash. 2U struggling also makes being laid off a more appealing option than remaining there after a difficult cut.

edX was a good run for me. We had a noble mission: educate the world. The software was mostly open source (Open edX), which meant our efforts could power education that we as a corporation didn’t want to pursue.

Broadly speaking, my job was to oversee how to do open source well. I loved the mission of education combined with the mission of open source. I loved seeing the community do things together that edX alone could not. I have many good friends at 2U and in the community. I hope they can make everything work out well, and I hope I can do a good job staying in touch with them.

I don’t know what my next gig will be. I like writing software. I like having developers as my customers. I am good at building community both inside and outside of companies. I am good at helping people. I’m interested to hear ideas.



It was a pleasure and an inspiration to work with you, Ned. I hope our paths will cross again.


Hi Ned, it’s sad to hear that you will be leaving the Open edX project. But every time a door closes a new one opens! I wish you the best of luck on this new journey. I’m confident you’ll find a rewarding endeavour sooner than you think!Take care


Sorry to hear that Ned. Best of luck on discovering your next gig. I’m certain it will be something amazing.


Working with you has been a pleasure. I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavors.


Thank you for everything Ned!, going over your code is always a blessing, I wish you all the best.

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