
Sunday 6 August 2017This is seven years old. Be careful.

I was a guest on the Podcast.__init__ podcast this week: with Ned Batchelder. We talk about, how I got started on it, why it’s good, why it’s not good, how it works, and so on:

I’ve only listened to a small part of it. Getting ideas out verbally is different than in writing: there’s no chance to go back and edit. To me, I sound a bit halting, because I was trying to get the words and sentences right in my head before I said them. I hope it sounds OK to others. Also, I think I said “dudes” and “guy” when I could have chosen more neutral words, sorry about that.

Tobias has been doing a great job with this podcast. It’s not easy to consistently put out good content (I hate that word) on a regular schedule. He’s been finding interesting people and giving them a good place to talk about their Python world, whatever that means to them.

BTW, this is my second time on Podcast.__init__, and it seems I never mentioned the first time in this blog, so here it is, from two years ago: Episode 5: Ned Batchelder. The focus then was the user group I organize, Boston Python, so a completely different topic:

And in the unlikely case that you want yet more of my dulcet tones, I was also on the Python Test podcast, mentioned in this blog post: The Value of Unit Tests.


Just wanted to go old school and leave a comment. The podcast was really enjoyable. Tobias does a great weekly interview. You came across as measured and thoughtful, not halting. Sounded good!

I was very excited to listen to this podcast yesterday evening. I am interested in your Windows CI woes. As advertised, I am checking in. How do I get involved with you?

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