
Sunday 27 June 2010This is close to 15 years old. Be careful.

In the last year, people have been experimenting with 3D variations of the Mandelbrot fractal. The first to get a lot of attention was the Mandelbulb, but I didn’t like it, it just looks blobby to me, with no apparent self-similarity.

Then in February, a new formula appeared, called Mandelbox. It’s a clever two-step formula using folding, first with squares, then with circles. The combination provides a very rich generative source.

Being a 3D structure, you can fly through it:

There’s an amazing variety of textures and structures here, reminiscent of many other fractals. Some of the vistas seem like science-fiction sets, but generated by a formula rather than drawn by hand. Fascinating.

Mandelbox is a rich world to explore, and it’s really new, so we can expect to see lots more innovation and exploration.


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