Coverage v3.0 beta 2

Thursday 30 April 2009This is over 15 years old. Be careful.

Beta 2 of Coverage v3.0 is now ready. Coverage is a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs, usually during testing.

Kits are available as source (coverage-3.0b2.tar.gz), or as Windows installers for Python 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, or 2.6. The repository is also available on bitbucket.

Feedback is welcome however you see fit, but particularly good ways are tickets on bitbucket, or email on the testing-in-python mailing list.

Changes in Coverage since v2.x:

  • HTML reports and annotation of source files: use the new -b (browser) switch. Thanks to George Song for code, inspiration and guidance.
  • The trace function is implemented in C for speed. Coverage runs are now much faster. Thanks to David Christian for productive micro-sprints and other encouragement.
  • Code in the Python standard library is not measured by default. If you need to measure standard library code, use the -L switch during execution.
  • .coverage data files have a new pickle-based format designed for better extensibility.
  • Source annotation into a directory (-a -d) behaves differently. The annotated files are named with their hierarchy flattened so that same-named files from different directories no longer collide. Also, only files in the current tree are included.
  • Programs executed with -x now behave more as they should, for example, __file__ has the correct value.
  • Executable lines are identified by reading the line number tables in the compiled code, removing a great deal of complicated analysis code.
  • Coverage is now a package rather than a module. Functionality has been split into classes.
  • Python versions 2.3 though 2.6 are supported.


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