I’m going to PyCon

Saturday 17 February 2007This is 18 years old. Be careful.

As a result of a last-minute decision, I’ll be going to PyCon 2007 in Dallas. I’ve never been to a PyCon before, so I’m really excited to have a change to meet a lot of people who I’ve only known online. Also going from Tabblo will be Dave St. Germain and possibly Antonio Rodriguez.

We’ll be on kind of an abbreviated schedule: from mid-day Friday through Saturday. The Sunday schedule looks really interesting, it’s when all the testing talks are, but other duties call.



I'd be happy to give you a brief preview of our talks -- you've influenced my Python work quite a bit with your coverage tool, and it seems like the least I can do ;)

Have fun! I was really hoping this would be the year I'd make it to PyCon, but things didn't go that way. '08, I'll hope.

I second Titus and promise to expand endlessly over Pybots and Cheesecake, if you care to listen (over a beer of course, which will make everything easier :-)

It will be good to see another Bostonian at PyCon! There will be a Django BoF session, and we would love to hear about, well, anything!

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