Tuesday 27 June 2006 — This is close to 19 years old. Be careful.
A news story that sounds like the Onion but is not: Warren Buffet giving most of his money away... to Bill Gates. I understand the notion of giving huge sums of money away. And I think Bill Gates is doing great stuff with his Gates Foundation. But isn’t there something to be said for diversity? The $32B that Buffet is giving to the Gates Foundation could create a really big foundation all by itself (as big as the mighty Gates Foundation is now). It could do similar work to the Gates Foundation if it wanted to, but could go in a different direction if it was important to. The rich get richer I guess. The good news is that the Gates Foundation is using the money to do good work.
The history of Berkshire-Hathaway is one of efficiency of management and the understanding of capital. I don't think his decision to give the money to the Gates Foundation is any different than how he's approached any other problem. Find intellegent, trustworthy people who know what they're doing and give them the money to make a difference.
Alrighty. So we lose Scoble, we lose BillG (in two years) from Microsoft. One of my community mentor, Olivier Ribet, ...
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