Sunday 8 January 2006 — This is more than 19 years old. Be careful.
Cleaning out my cubicle on Friday, I found a number of sheets of doodles I had made during meetings. I’m not a big note taker, and I need something to occupy myself instead of just sitting and listening. Even when I’m engaged in the discussion around the table, I’ll often be doodling away. I tend to typographic or geometric doodles (no surprise there), though some kid-influenced images appear from time to time. Here are a few of them:
I’m always interested in how people’s creativity leaks out of them in work environments (like making business card cubes). Anyone else have doodles they’d like to share? Maybe we can get one of those blog memes started...
You're site was laid out well enough that a 15 second scan gave me enough confidence to ask that question. :-)
You're doodles are remarkabley devoid of the black squares peppering mine as I've marked out ones which have taken a wrong turn. Similar experiments with figure 8's like on your 2nd pic but with a hint of lattice-drawing.
I've got grimey old clipboard I won't throw out as it's covered with some cherished college doodles. :-)
I used to be an obsessive doodler but I guess I don't sit in as many boring meetings as I used to. I'll see if I can find an old notebook with doodles.
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