Muy macho shredders

Sunday 6 March 2005This is 20 years old. Be careful.

Since I work in software, hardware is pretty much an abstraction most of the time. Not so for the people at Shredding Systems Inc. They make serious industrial shredders, the kind of thing used in factories for “the toughest size reduction jobs in the world.” They have a cool page of movies of the shredders in action. For example, ever seen a couch being shredded? Or a washing machine? Or whole computers? Fascinating!


I had a summer job working for the New York State Lottery in Albany. One part of the job was shredding instant lottery tickets that had been paid out and turned in by lottery agents. There were boatloads of these tickets. They had to be destroyed so someone didn't try to cash them in again. The Lottery department had an industrial shredder to grind them up. It wasn't big enough to shred a couch but we learned to respect it once we realized that it could grind through thick sheaves of paper without slowing down.
I heard that Uday Hussein was really into these shredders. Not sure what he used to do with them, tho...
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